Baltic Journal of European Studies
(Until 2010 known as Proceedings of the Institute for European Studies,
IES Proceedings)
Baltic Journal of European Studies is a semiannual peer-reviewed
international research journal with an international editorial office and
extensive international editorial board, abstracted in EBSCO databases.
Since 2013 the journal has been electronically published by Versita Publishers
and all
issues since Vol.3 No.1 (13) are accessible at BJES new homepage.
Call for Papers
ISSN 2228-0588 (Print version)
ISSN 2228-0596 (Online version)
No. 1, November 2002
No. 3, April 2007
No. 4, December 2008
No. 5, June 2009
No. 6, December 2009
No. 7, June 2010
No. 8, December 2010
No. 9, June 2011
No. 10, September 2011
No. 11, June 2012
No. 12, December 2012
No. 13, June 2013